Monday, 6 March 2017

Superman Vs Hulk, who will win a hot dog eating contest

I like muscle-bound guys in tights. Sue me.

Answer written ·
Hulk (Marvel character)

Two scenarios:
1) Who could eat X amount of hotdogs in the shortest amount of time?
2) Who could eat the most hot dogs in X amount of time?
Christian Mueth

The Hulk is undoubtedly a very good eater. He’s not exactly petite, after all…

I imagine that it takes a lot of energy to maintain that figure, and I bet he runs through it pretty fast.
However, Superman? He’s something else entirely.
We must remember: Superman is a living solar battery. He doesn’t need food, because he gets his energy from the sun. And, whatever food he does eat will quickly be exhausted— Superman’s metabolism is incredibly fast. He could eat a ton of food, and not even notice.

When I said “a ton of food”, I meant it literally.
While my metabolism argument also applies to the Hulk, and while this is partially a question of whose metabolism is faster, there’s one other thing we must consider: Superman’s super-speed.
Superman is capable of shoveling down two-hundred hot dogs in a minute, if he really wants to. Hulk isn’t… He’ll be left in the dust.
All things considered, Superman wins this wiener-measuring contest.

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