Sunday, 27 September 2015


By Paul Engel

The painter puts two thin lines
On one side of the page,
And one line on the other side,
Suddenly grass grows there!
Between them, a wavering line.
Water is moving!
Your two eyes look at me.
You lift one hand.
Suddenly my heart is growing toward you.
Suddenly I am moving toward you!

Culled from DOORWAYS,
By Virginia Arnold & Carl Smith



3. Surface lines - these lines wrap around the object you are drawing to give it three

4. Overlapping - things that are closer to the eye overlap the further parts

5. Shading - this is used to give volume and dept to the object that you draw

6. Density - things that are closer to the eye are drawn with more detail than things farther away.

7. Foreshortening - the whole object is foreshortened, to give proper dimension