We all love colors, some even like to paint with
them. But ever wondered how our favorite colors are made? Well this article
focuses on the various techniques on their manufacturing process.

Information on these topics is
scattered across a wide range of sources, from chemical engineering texts to
art conservation studies. In some cases I was only able to obtain information
by querying experts or manufacturers directly. Each source has its own
perspective and professional traditions, and they sometimes disagree on
specifics. I've made editorial judgments based on all the facts I could gather,
and regret any inaccuracies that remain.

The Backbone
Composition. Each paint manufacturer develops a
proprietary backbone composition — a basic recipe of pigment and vehicle
ingredients — that is fundamentally designed to keep manufacturing costs under
control and to get the best possible handling attributes for every pigment in
the watercolor line.
manufacturer then tweaks the exact proportions of this recipe from one pigment
or paint color to the next, so that the texture and color of each pigment is
put on best display and the differences in pigment dispersability, tinting
strength or staining across the different paint colors are minimized.
The backbone composition is the
foundation of the manufacturer's brand
style and quality standards. It usually includes most or all of
the following ingredients:
• one or more pigments,
and sometimes
• a brightener,
transparent or "white" crystals that lighten the value and increase
the chroma of the dried paint
dispersed in a vehicle or medium
consisting of:
• binder, traditionally
and still commonly said to be gum arabic but, in some brands, actually a
synthetic glycol
• plasticizer, usually glycerin,
to soften the dried gum arabic and help it redissolve
• humectant, traditionally
simple syrup or honey but now often inexpensive corn syrup, to help the
paint retain mosture (especially in pan paints)
• extender or filler,
such as dextrin, used to bulk out and thicken the paint without
noticeably affecting the color
• manufacturing additives,
in particular dispersants (to prevent clumping of the raw pigment after
manufacture and to speed up the milling of the pigment and vehicle ingredients)
and a fungicide or preservative to suppress the growth of mold or
bacteria, and
• water, which dissolves
or suspends all the ingredients, carries them onto the paper, and evaporates
when its work is done.
Pigment. Pigments are chemical compounds with appealing or useful
color attributes and that do not dissolve in water. Paints are a dispersion
of tiny pigment particles suspended in the vehicle, just as the Mississippi is
a suspension of sand, clay, agricultural chemicals and effluent. All
professional quality tube and pan watercolors are made with pigments.
In contrast, a dye is
completely soluble (dissolves) in water, and binds directly with the materials
it contacts (though a mediating chemical called a mordant must often be
present to make this bond happen). Some brands of liquid watercolors or
"brilliant" watercolors are made with dyes.
Schematic backbone
composition of
a modern watercolor paint
a modern watercolor paint
The manufacturer's cost
considerations aside — and those are usually a major consideration in
commercial paint design — the pigment particle size, tinting strength and dispersability primarily determine the
adjustments made to the backbone formulation:
• As the same mass or quantity
of pigment is divided into smaller and smaller particles, the total surface area of all the pigment
particles increases proportionally, which increases the proportion of vehicle
or water necessary to completely wet or disperse the pigment.
• Strongly tinting pigments — especially very dark
pigments such as the phthalocyanines or dioxazine violet — must be diluted with
vehicle or extenders to increase the color chroma and reduce the tinting
strength, so that the paint's color and handling attributes are comparable with
other paints in the line.
• Paints made with softer
pigments (such as ultramarine blue or the cadmiums) or finely divided pigments
(such as alizarin crimson, iron blue and the phthalocyanines) tend to cake or
clump during storage or milling, and sometimes manufacturers use more dispersant
to accelerate the mixing of pigment and vehicle; this causes the paint to
diffuse more aggressively when used wet in wet.
Pigments that are all three — finely
divided, strongly tinting and expensive — are usually formulated with the
largest proportion of vehicle and filler.
The proportion of pigment to
vehicle in tube paints generally ranges from less than 10% to around 20% of
total volume for a finely divided, strongly tinting pigment such as the
phthalocyanines, red quinacridones, dioxazine violet or alizarin crimson; from
20% to 30% for prussian blue, carbon black, the "raw" (uncalcinated)
black and red iron oxides, zinc or titanium white, yellow quinacridones,
benzimidazolones and most other synthetic organic pigments; 30% to 40% for the
yellow iron oxides, viridian, ultramarine blue, ultramarine violet and the
finer grained cobalt pigments (blue, cerulean, turquoise, green); 40% to 50%
for the weakly tinting cadmium yellows, cobalt violet and "burnt"
(calcinated) red and yellow iron oxides; and 50% or more for cadmium orange,
the cadmium reds, manganese violet and manganese blue. These proportions are
illustrative; specific recipes vary across paint brands and depend on the
quality of pigments they use.
Brightener. A few watercolor brands add one or more highly refracting
substances as a brightener, to adjust or enhance the lightness or chroma
of the finished color. These traditionally include alumina trihydrate (aluminum
trihydroxide), titanium dioxide, or micronized barium sulfate (blanc fixe),
but newer, more effective compounds are available. The particle size and
specific gravity of brighteners is usually similar to the pigment, so they do
not separate from the pigment when the paint is mixed with water.
Excessive amounts of brightener can
impart a whitish or sparkly appearance to the dried paint, or can form a thin,
whitish coating on top of dried paint applied as a juicy brush stroke. They
often can compromise the lightfastness or permanence of the color. The most reliable
method to assess paint formulations is the tinting test, which directly reveals the
proportion and the quality of pigment used in the paint by dissolving it water
or a large quantity of titanium dioxide.
In the past, brighteners were
commonly found in oil paints and house paints: their increasing use in
watercolors is a reflection both of consumer preferences for bright color and
competitive cost pressures. The best brands, if they use such additives,
balance operating costs, profits, paint handling characteristics, consumer
preferences and finished color in developing their formulations.
Binder. Pigment particles are dispersed
through milling in a liquid vehicle that consists primarily
(about 65% of vehicle volume) of a transparent binder. The binder
carries the pigment particles as a viscous liquid so they can be applied with a
brush; it binds the pigment to the watercolor paper; and it produces a brighter
color by holding the pigment particles on the surface of the paper, rather than
letting them be pulled by capillary action deep between the paper fibers. A
diluted solution of gum arabic can be applied as a varnish or top coat to dried
paint to reduce surface scattering and give the paint a
deeper, richer color.
The binder
usually determines the name of a medium — linseed oil for oil paints, acrylic
polymer emulsion for acrylic paints, egg white or yolk for egg tempera.
Watercolors are named instead for their solvent (water) and historically have
used a variety of gums, starches or animal glues as binder.
In European painting since the 18th
century, the binder of choice has been gum arabic, made from the
solidified sap of thorny, shrubby acacia trees (species Acacia arabica
or Acacia senegal, shown at right). Gum arabic was originally exported
from Middle Eastern sources via Turkey, but in the recent era most commercial
gum harvesting has been done by subsistence farmers in arid regions of North
Africa — the Sudan and Chad alone provided roughly 85% of the total world
supply, hence the alternative modern names gum sudan or gum kordofan
for the product. Gum senegal is considered superior but it is currently
produced in limited quantities and is hard to identify by appearance alone.
Farming the gum acacia tree
in Senegal |
Last revised 08.01.2005 • © 2005 Bruce MacEvoy
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