Tuesday 6 March 2018


Are stop motion movies considered animation?

According to the Wikipedia, the word Animation means a dynamic medium in which images or objects are manipulated to appear as moving images. In animation terms those objects are referred to as Models. As we can see, most anime characters are inanimate that is, they do not possess life. It is therefore your job as the animator to give them life, by moving the objects (Animating), in quick or slow successions; in order for the viewers to perceive movements as if done by animate characters.

So, in my own opinion, the answer is YES, stop motion movies can be considered animation! Objects from paper cut, to hand drawn (Traditional), or computer generated (2 or 3D), all fall under these category of ‘OBJECTS’ as defined by the wiki. Hence, Models from stop motion too are not left behind in this group - In fact, STOP MOTION is one of the basic types of animation that we currently have.

Shaun the Sheep (Claymation)