Sunday 26 July 2015



                  The bird sat quietly in a corner in the cage. He had tried, but all effort to break the cage with his beak was not successful and he later became exhausted. Shortly after, he began to hear some crackling sounds. He knew something was coming towards his direction so he became scared because he thought it was the bird catcher. He looked ahead and saw the grass cutter coming; he was using his sharp teeth to devour some nuts stocked in his sack. 
Then he breathed some sign of relief!

                  The grass-cutter was so carried away with what he was eating that he did not even notice the caged pigeon. “Mr. Grass cutter,” shouted the bird, “Mr. Grass cutter, it is I the Pigeon.” The animal looked around and saw the bird in a small wooden cage. “Ha-ha!’ laughed the animal, “I’m surprised to see you on the ground today Mr. Pigeon. I thought the heavens are made for flying creatures like you? Why would you choose to remain on the floor? Oh I can see that you have stepped-up. You even built for yourself a fanciful home loaded with so many Grains! Anyway, I honestly don’t envy you”, he teased, “I have my nuts too. I packed so much from the farmer’s store that it can last me a week or two. And they are very delicious too!”

“Please Mr. Grass cutter,” cried the pigeon, “This is not my house. I am trapped in here!”

“Trapped?” re-echoed the animal.

“Yes,” repeated the bird, and I don’t want to be taken into slavery by the Bird catcher when he returns. Please save me, I beg of you. You know I just got married two days ago and my poor wife would be heart-broken?”

“So what do you expect me to do Mr. Bird?” asked the animal. “I just beg of you to use your sharp teeth and cut a portion of this cage so that I can escape from there. And then I can go home in peace.”

“You can’t be serious!” retorted the animal, do you want to spoil my appetite? How dare you expect me to use the same teeth that I use for cracking nuts and other delicious fruits on a tasteless bamboo wood like that in which you are in? Besides, that is not even hygienic. I read in one of the latest newspapers that birds now do have flu. I’m sorry, I just can not do that!”

                  The bird busted into tears as he watched the grass cutter walking away angrily. He stood helplessly as he observed the animal dipping his hands into his sack to bring out more nuts to chew. And making some more annoying crackling sounds with his jaws in the process!


                  As the grass cutter walked away he continued to chew his nuts. He was so much consumed with them that did not notice the hunter’s hidden bait under the leaves. And as he attempted to step on one of the leaves and continued with his journey he mistakenly tripped the bait with one of its hind legs. He cried out an excruciating pain, but that wouldn’t help his situation because he was already pinned to the ground. The pain was so much that he threw away his sack and all its contents poured on the ground. He groaned and moaned but there was no help in sight. He knew he too was in trouble.  Perhaps, he thought, If I had helped the pigeon, this would have been averted. Now I’m in the same shoes with the bird. And soon, the hunter would return and make a meal out of me. Oh poor me! Honestly, I’m too young to die!

                  Suddenly, he heard the sound of some trees stems breaking. Immediately, he looked up and saw Mr. Monkey swinging from one tree to another to transit himself in the jungle. The Grass cutter called from below, “Hey, Mr. Monkey. Please come down and free me from the hunter’s Bait, I beg of you.”
                  The monkey heard and looked down and saw the groaning animal. “I am sorry,” said Mr. Monkey, “but, I don’t have much time to waste. I am already late for a business appointment with my one of my clients that needed some supplies of fresh bananas. He is from the neighbouring jungle and a very rich monkey indeed. Please I don’t want to keep him waiting for long. But if you can still hold on a little longer, I will see what I can do if I pass by again. I hope you’d understand? Okay?”
                  He swung along the trees as the trapped animal watched in agony.

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